Monday, July 27, 2020

Question 9 Explanation

You can use the CLI, REST APIs, or the SDKs to automate, script, and manage volume backups and their lifecycle.
Planning Your Backup
The primary use of backups is to support business continuity, disaster recovery, and long-term archiving requirements. When determining a backup schedule, your backup plan and goals should consider the following:
Frequency: How often you want to back up your data.
Recovery time: How long you can wait for a backup to be restored and accessible to the applications that use it. The time for a backup to complete varies on several factors, but it will generally take a few minutes or longer, depending on the size of the data being backed up and the amount of data that has changed since your last backup.
Number of stored backups: How many backups you need to keep available and the deletion schedule for those you no longer need. You can only create one backup at a time, so if a backup is underway, it will need to complete before you can create another one. For details about the number of backups you can store


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